I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Tart Apple Pie.. It has to be better then Choclate to me. :-D However finding a good Thick Crust Tart Style Apple Pie is extremely hard. My uncle use to bake a lot and I always got one for Birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas. However times have changed and he no longer does this. I got to craving a pie so bad that I embarked on my first Apple Pie.. Here is my Recipe.. Just to not it is Tart but OH SO GOOD and if your like me and like the Crust the best well then I suggest using Jiffy Pie Crust and rolling it out thick and then letting it sit for 24 hours before eating, yes I'm well aware of the Crazy amount of strength that this can take, however you can use the pie crust you have left over to make a few little dumpling style pies to tied ya over.. :-D
2-2.5 lbs of Green Granny Smith Apples Peeled and chopped into Chuncks
1 Stick of Butter
5 Teaspoons of Light Brown Sugar
1/8 cup of White Sugar
2 Teaspoons of Cinnamon
1/2 Teaspoon of Nutmeg
1 Frozen 9" Deep Dish Pie Crust or Any other Pie Crust
1 Rolled Pie Crust (red box) if your not making your own
I use my large skillet, but whatever you have that will fit the apples is fine.
Melt your butter, brown sugar, cinnamon & nutmeg over medium to medium-high heat until fully melted the add white sugar.
Then cook for 1 minute.
Add apples. Stirring and coating apples well with glaze. Let sit for 5 minitues over medium-low heat.
Pour Mix into Pie Crust (If using a Frozen Pie Crust then make sure it's Frozen I pulled it straight out of the freezer and poured my mix into it. :-D )
Make Sure to Slit the Top and Sprinkle with Sugar and Cinnamon
Cook at 450 for 20-30 minutes (my oven was only 25)
Best when allowed to cool and set overnight. :-D
Hope Y'all enjoy as Much as I do.. :-D
You can omit (or not use) the Nutmeg if you do not care for nutmeg.. Thanks to Cindy Thompson (aka Mommy-n-law)for this trail and tasting. LOL